When designing, we follow our architectural MANIFESTOBE AUTHENTIC
Each architectonic solution needs to respond to numerous incentives as well as limitations that shape it as unique and authentic, true (trustworthy) and original architectonic work. To be authentic in architectonic design means to create an original urbanistic, mass, material, technological, programming and design solution of a particular architectonic issue.
The profession of an architect is a creative artistic and technical discipline with a social mission. Architects are not only responsible for professional parameters of particular construction and design solutions for clients but also for public areas shared by individual pieces of architecture. We all live in the environment and an involved architect is responsible for fostering an architectonic project with great dedication and community-based motivation, even if it concerns a private area.
Generative architecture is architecture inspired by natural principles of growth and life, and supported by modern knowledge in computational designing and work with comprehensive data information. Modern architecture should adapt to natural principles of origin, growth and end as a sophisticated mathematical model of architectonic design. Generative designing means also a gradual process of creation from the start of execution and subsequent transformation of an architectonic design.
Architecture is a comprehensive intellectual discipline which responds to the place of its intervention. Contextual architecture is conditioned by the relationship between the place of its design, its programme and process, and its execution and use, which should be in context with not only the parameters of nature, ecology and geography, but also with social, societal, political and economic conditions.
Conceptual architecture is a clear and understandable plan of ideas, understanding and concept of architecture which manifests non-architectonic starting points and contemplation involved in the design process. A conceptual architect shapes the strategy, assignment and method of designing an architectonic process that creates a playground and the rules for a particular architectonic match (game).
Radicalism in architecture determines evolutionary milestones of the profession. Determined and decisive establishment of architectonic design and the author´s decision-making criteria, in the ancient as well as recent modernistic stages of architecture, have enabled the progressive development of society. Negative consequences of its development are overrun by the latest radical architectonic as well as societal solutions.
Architecture is a social and societal space where we exist, live, work, dream and get inspired. Encouraging architectonic solutions and inspiring spaces arouse positive emotions for both their users and creators. As an artistic discipline, architecture needs to bring a playful attitude, aesthetic solution, artistic quality and originality to our environment.
Architecture should provoke people into living and behaving better, and into creating beauty. Being provocative means to point out the strong points and quality of architecture, to compete for the best architectonic spaces and solutions. To provoke is to call for beauty and to educate for improvement. Provocative architecture does not want to shock but instead to encourage people to make the world better, more beautiful, healthier and more interesting.
Geometry, mathematics and vectors are architectonic tools of precision in architecture. The ambition of a perfect, precise and smoothly working architectonic solution based on fundamental work with data, information and figures, has defined all historical books of architecture. Exact points of three-dimensional space form the basic building unit of architectonic space.
The city is a unique modern phenomenon of society and its culture. Urban space is characterized by a network of points, hubs and relationships which condition the existence of an individual in society. Complex urban space for the modern individual’s life, work and existence uses the benefits of concentration, accessibility and mobility.
Be Green is a fundamental and saving motto of the new 3rd Millennium, an era of collapsing environment, the end of globalization, a radically changing urban landscape, our life and profession as an architect, broken security, and threats and conflicts existing in parallel. May architecture be fresh like the grass and leaves of the surrounding countryside…